Personal Data Protection Act B.E. 2562 is the law that protect the rights regarding a personal information. Whether, it’s controlling the organization from using customer’s personal information without any consent, all the way to preventing it from misappropriate used.
The Act will be effective in June 1, 2565 (B.E.)
Our team is pleasure to consult you the Personal Data Protection Act.
Collecting / Using / Disclosing / Transferring of data is requires the consent unless there are permitted by law.
The consent must be given independently, explicitly, and specifically. The data owners can retract.
A report of Personal Data infringement must be made within 72 hours.
Data Subject
Personal Data Owner
A personal data, which make it possible to identify a person either direct or indirect. But does not include the data of the deceased.
Data Processor
Personal Data Processor
An individual or corporation, which conducts operations related to the collection, use, or disclosure of personal data, on the behest of personal data processor.
Data Subject
Personal Data Owner
An individual or corporation, which has the authority to “decide” on the collection, use, or disclosure of a personal data.
Data Protection Officer
Providing a guidance and checks to ensure the operation are in accordance with the Act, also coordinates with Personal Data Protection Office when problems arise.